MAY 9, 2018

MAY 9, 2018

May 9, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The Fashion Service Network board of directors met Wednesday May 9th for their quarterly meeting.

Eight directors attended – Andrew, Jeff, Michael, Andy, David, Peter, Harriet and Karen. Joseph was away.

The organization is in excellent financial shape. Members with outstanding dues balances are reminded to address.

The board discussed options for continuing scholarship contributions to FIT including the possibility of directing a new scholarship or an award to a recipient from the FIT Graduate Fashion Management program as these students are already in the industry.

The board reviewed and scheduled future meeting speakers and guests. The board welcomes recommendations.

The board is discussing starting a FSN mentoring program.

Jeff reintroduced Young FSN, he has been getting people together. The board encourages members to bring their younger colleagues to our members meetings.

The board decided to return to Cassa Nona for the next scheduled evening of networking & cocktails October 10.

The board is discussing an industry educational event focusing on e commerce.

The next directors meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday July 18th.
